Who are we? Well we are a website for hikers to find everything they need to know about all things hiking. Set up by myself, Josh Welch, an avid, keen and young hiker who wants to share my experiences with others to help them grow as I do. I am a one man band who does everything by myself, it's not easy but I love every moment of what I do in sharing all I can with others.
This site is a community project set up with the aim to share not only the basic details of a hike but rather more detailed notes and directions about the trail you want to walk. I’m constantly seeking to further develop the site to provide new features such as our interactive trail maps but this incurs quite a large cost for ongoing development.
Your support in making this site possible is greatly appreciated and this can come in many different forms such as adding a hike, submitting an article, buying from the AHF Store or even becoming a AHF+ Member which comes with added content and features for just $10 a year. I donate 50% of all profits from the website to community organisations, find out more about our 'Wild Fund' here.
About A Hiker's Friend

From Humble Beginnings to Today!
We've come a long way over the few years, we may be a young name but we've got big ambitions. Join us to the ride!