Contribute to A Hikers Friend
Hey There
Are you interested in getting published on our website? Well you have come to the right place because on this page you will find everything you need to know. Before we start, I think it's important to state that even if you submit your article for publishing and meet all the parameters it does not guarantee your article will be published.
Writing within Categories
When writing an article you think would work well on our site you first need to make sure it fits one of our four categories and you provide all the info we need to publish it (see below).
Hikes: This is all about documenting a trail and included in an article in the hikes category should be a catchy opening paragraph to draw readers in, how to get there, a detailed description of the trail (one to two paragraphs) and finally any helpful details (KM, Starting location, Finishing location, Duration, Difficulty, Travel time from nearest population centre). When making your submission it would also be handy to have a photo of the map marking the trail so that we can be assisted in the creation of a digitally interactive one as you may see in some of our stories. Also included in your submission for this category should be as many landscape photos as you can of the trail that are high quality and non-copyrighted (preferably taken by you).
If you are seeking to submit a hike which is not a trip report, please add it here.
Guides: This category is all about making helpful guides and informative articles for people to read and get info from, these may be articles on topics such as hypothermia, tips for hiking in the rain, etc. Included in your article should be a catchy opening paragraph to draw the reader into the story, your main points that you will be covering (sub-headings), paragraph on each point (or a list if appropriate) and finally your summary at the end to tie the article up nicely. If you have relevant photos to accompany your article you should also include those in your submission in preferably landscape format.
Reviews: This category is all about giving honest feedback on hiking products, if you have any affiliation with the brand please make it be known in your submission so we can add a disclaimer to your article. Included in your article should be an introduction to the product, give a brief overview of what it does and draw the reader into your article, follow this with the features and list what comes in the box, after this name the pros and the cons, then give a summary and tell the reader if they should consider getting one for themselves or not. Included in your submission should be detailed landscape photos that are high definition and showcase the product best.
Recipes: This category is all about food, to submit an article in this category you have a choice between a list of five plus recipes like ‘five hiking lunch ideas’ or submit a recipe on its own to be featured on the recipes page. To write an article find a good name like the one above that can be made into a list of five or more recipes, then find your recipes and make a title for each (e.g. - 1. Orange Cake) and then write a small introduction to this recipe including why it is delicious and good for hiking, then list what is required to make it in a list format and finally provide instructions to make the recipe. Provide photos of the recipe in multiple stage (e.g. before and after cooking) and try place these on a plain background, you can also supply photos of the food being eaten, displayed in nature, or any other general photos of the finished product you may have, please provide these all in landscape.
Those are our categories for our websites articles, in each paragraph you will have found instruction on how to write each one and how to best structure them. If you have any questions on structuring your article I encourage you to look at articles previously published to find the best way of writing it.
Other Parameters
Before you take any further steps there are some other parameters that must be met before your article can be written.
Your article must be at a minimum 550 words.
All images must be copyright free.
You must have an account on A Hikers Friend.
You must state the name on your AHF Account while making application.
The article must not overlap with any previous articles. (use search bar)
Sending the Application
Once you have met all the parameters and written your article you can email us your application to ahikersfriend@gmail.com.
Please Format your application as follows (May be different depending on your category of article)
Your Name
Your Article Title
Followed by your opening paragraph
First Point (repeat for number of points)
Followed by the First Point paragraph (repeat for number of points)
Closing Paragraph
Your A Hikers Friend account name
Any other notes about your article
Photos necessary for your article attached
Please send all of the above to the email address provided previously, we may take some time to respond so please be patient. If you have not heard from us in about 4-5 weeks, assume we have rejected your article.
Hopefully now you have far more information on how to contribute to A Hikers Friend, we want the community to be part of what we do and that's why we are providing this fantastic opportunity to be published.
I understand that this may look somewhat daunting and challenging but if you are ever unsure of where to go next, take a look at the most recent article in the category you are writing and follow roughly what it looks like.
We can’t wait to see your submissions.
Thanks, Josh Welch – A Hikers Friend