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Terms of Use
A Hiker's Friend - Terms of Use
You may not reproduce any of the content featured on this site whether it is created by A Hiker's Friend (Josh Welch) or is a guest post from an alternative site. This includes any of the designs, graphics, content, files, documents or otherwise which are featured on this site unless you have direct permission of the copyright owner under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 as amended.
If you are part of an outdoor organisation and wish to republish any of the content on this site, please first seek permission from A Hiker's Friend (Josh Welch) directly.
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Any content contributed to this site is still under the ownership of its creator and you may have it removed, edited or replaced at any time by expressing your wishes to A Hiker's Friend (Josh Welch) directly.
Sharing site content
Sharing this site is encouraged through social media and other channels is highly encouraged and would not be in breach of this ‘Terms of use’ statement as long as a link/credit is provided to access/acknowledge the site.
Use of AHF+
Members of AHF+ (A Hiker's Friend+) are entitled to access and read any of the content given to them as members but are not entitled to republish or share the content they are given as members.
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These terms may change so please make sure to check before you re-post any content from this site.
Last updated - January, 2023